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Santa’s Favorite Holiday

Santa's Favorite Holiday 1

Santa's Favorite Holiday 2I bumped into Santa this morning and he was even jollier than normal. I asked him why and he said that his favorite holiday was just a few days away.

Things have been so busy here that I almost forgot that Thanksgiving was this week. Yes, Thanksgiving is Santa’s favorite holiday.

He loves Christmas but he will tell anybody that asks that Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday. Thanksgiving is celebrated all over the world. Some cultures refer to it as thanksgiving while others may refer to it as a harvest festival. The thing they all have in common is that they are giving thanks for the blessings that they have received that year.

“To understand what Christmas is truly all about you must first be thankful for the things that you have.” Santa tells us every year. “Be thankful not just for the material things but for the love and friendship of others. Remember to be grateful not just for the blessings that you have received but also for those still to come.”

Santa loves Thanksgiving so much that we actually celebrate it multiple times a year here at the North Pole, not just in November.

“A thankful heart should show its appreciation all year long and not just one day a year” Santa says. “While Thanksgiving is a great way to ring in the holiday season it is also important to take time the rest of the year to spend with your family and friends. It is important to take a break every now and then to look around and realize what you have been blessed with.”

Thanksgiving is a great day here at the North Pole. You’d think that with all the food around that the temptation for the elves to get into another food fight like they did at Halloween. Not true. Everyone is very busy on Thanksgiving Day here at the North Pole. For those who aren’t cooking the rest are outside finishing up their decorations. We have a big lighting ceremony here at the North Pole on Thanksgiving night each year. We all turn on the lights to our homes at the same time making the North Pole sparkle all over for the first time during the holiday season. It’s a really big deal.

Stick around! Our first “official” updates from the North Pole are just around the corner.

— Elf Ernest