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North Pole Post Office Slammed with Last Minute Mail

Elf Hugo reports that activity is brisk in Santa’s Post Office. Letters “by the millions” are pouring in to Santa from all over the world.

“We have faxes, emails, text messages, letters, packages, drawings, plates of cookies — you name it! They are coming in for Santa like never before.” Elf Hugo said.

Santa admits he just can’t get to them all. Elf Hugo and his team sorts through them and puts special requests through to Santa on a report. Elf Hugo is asking that if you still have things you want Santa to know before he flies you still have time. Just use “stocking mail”. You can write a letter to Santa and put it in your stocking. Between now and when Santa flies it will get to the North Pole via stocking mail.

Santa’s sleigh, by the way, is equipped with special communication equipment — computers, radios and lots of technical stuff — that even allows Santa to get messages while he is in flight. So, keep those messages coming.

If you want to write to Santa online, click here.

— Elf Ernest
