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TrackingSanta.net Launched

TrackingSanta.net Launched 1

track250The first big exciting announcement of the 2013 Christmas season is the launch of TrackingSanta.net, an effort put together here at the North Pole under the direction of The Tracking and Weather Department led by Elf Billy.

“This is the result of two years work.” Elf Billy told us. “Our goal was to provide the world with the same information we have here in the Tracking Center every Christmas Eve. I have a computer and can see Santa’s movements on a screen in real time…why shouldn’t the world?”

TrackingSanta.net does NOT replace SantaUpdate.com.

We will still provide you with news from the North Pole newsroom as we always have. But TrackingSanta.net will provide more detailed maps of Santa’s location and faster data of Santa’s exact location.

The effort is combined with the broadcast of news this year on Kringle Radio — live from the North Pole — bringing audio updates of news as it happens.

This is unprecedented access in to the inner-workings of Santa Claus and the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Santa has insisted that we make a better effort to tell the world our story this year and we are reaching out in more ways than ever to do.

Elf Ernest

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