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8 Months Until Christmas Eve

su2013eeHappy April everyone!

The boys over in the Research and Development Department are having big meetings this month. Santa has put them back to work in sleigh design and they are all excited.

If you recall, Santa gave them the year off last year and made his own sleigh. Those guys were pretty bummed about it.

So this year they are having a sleigh design contest.

For the next couple of months they will plan, draw and build “concept sleighs”.

Then, sometime over the summer, Santa will look at them all and decide which design will be used for his sleigh in 2016.

It is the first time Santa has approached a sleigh design like this. And, of course, being a competition now, the elves are all in. It ought to be some fun.

We’ll try to get you some pictures when we see what they look like.

Elf Ernest