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Santa Asks for More Secret Spies

Kids: Santa needs your help! Mounting concerns based on weather reports from the North Pole Weather Center has caused Santa to ask for more Secret Spies. Do you want to be an elf?

This is a serious request. As a secret spy for Santa you will work as a local spotter in your neighborhood. Your job is to look for problems that might cause trouble for Santa. It could be anything. It could be bad weather, unidentified flying objects, non-believers in your area or other things that might prove to be a safety issue for Santa.

To sign up, please see this link.

If you are already one of Santa’s Secret Spies, please report any new information about your area here.

Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Estimated Time to Launch: 15 hours
Current North Pole Weather: 16 Degrees, Heavy Snow, High Winds
Command Center Status: All systems are go, all lights are green
Santa’s Status: Heading out to visit kids, friends and families at hospitals and senior centers
Reindeer Status: Resting
Santa’s Workshop Status: 86% complete, still working
Santa’s Sleigh Status: 50% ready, sleigh bell technician summoned
Wrapping Department Status: 65% complete, emergency contingency plans deployed
North Pole Christmas Party Readiness: 70% complete; Big screen TVs being calibrated for tracking Santa tonight
North Pole Medical Center Report: No new cases of sickness reported
North Pole Post Office Status: 43% complete, full staff working — stocking mail overflowing
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Military on high-alert in Iran; high winds reported in Manila; Aerial obstruction in Mexico City…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Australia, Jakarta, Philipines, etc.
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere

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