
Kuala Lumpur Reports!

updateSanta continues to visit all over South East Asia and Indonesia at this hour. But there are big events coming up soon. There has been a lot of activity the past hour and a half. Lots of radio calls going back and forth. Santa’s Spotters placed by Elf Agent X and Santa’s Secret Spies from all over the world have been sending in multiple reports for Santa…and as a result Elf Agent X himself left the North Pole on the last of the dark sleighs I told you about last hour. Also, Elf Victor is leaving soon with another relief crew of reindeer — ALL GIRLS on that team. Lots going on here at the North Pole.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: All girl team of reindeer assembled for Santa and on route led by Elf Victor
Sleigh Status: 18457 mph
Reindeer Status: Good
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Non-believers in the neighborhood reported in Kabul; roof repairs underway in London; heavy traffic reported in Lisbon…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Oslo
Where it is Christmas morning now: Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Brunei, Kobe,Tokyo, Darwin, Hobart, Tokyo

Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
Barents Sea
Northern Russia
Caspian Sea