updateSanta has re-launched the sleigh and is heading south at this moment. We still have no idea where his first stop will be.

It has been two hours since Santa left the North Pole.

“Santa has so far followed the flight plan exactly,” Elf Quinton said. “We don’t know when his first drop will be but we expect it soon.”

The reports and mail coming in from the Far East are too numerous to get through. Kids are really anxious there for Santa to arrive.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: No issues reported at this time.
Sleigh Status: 850 mph
Reindeer Status: Very strong.
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Snow and ice reported near Anchorage, Alaska; crowded skies reported in Hong Kong; stolen Christmas lights reported in Glasgow…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Karachi
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere

Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
Pago Pago
New Zealand
South Pole