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9 Months Until Christmas Eve

7Merry Greetings, kids!

It has been a bitter winter month here at the North Pole. Lots of snow. Of course, that’s normal for March.

We cannot believe the number of letters we are receiving here at the North Pole right now. A lot of kids take a break from writing to us after Christmas but this year something is different — the questions keep coming in!

So, let’s get to the most common questions we’re hearing.

Cody, from somewhere in California, wants to know if the Big Building with No Name will be rebuilt this year. I had to ask Santa about this one. He said that once the snow melts a little later on this spring they plan to bulldoze what is left the site and remove all old building materials that are there. They will be turning that site into a new reindeer training ground. So, apparently, the Big Building with No Name will not be rebuilt. I guess that was a one year thing.

Berty, from Australia, writes to ask what the reindeer are up to. That’s a good question! The reindeer are all getting ready to leave the North Pole. Actually, some have already left. Where do they go? Santa has reindeer ranches all over the world. These ranches are all special places that help reindeer train and become strong. There are always a few reindeer at the North Pole year round but most leave for one of these special ranches. Santa likes to call them reindeer schools. We will give you more details about this next month.

Alexi, from England, wants to know about the plans for Santa’s sleigh this year. It is really early to talk about that but I do understand that Santa has been spending a lot of time with Elf Quinton in the Research and Development Department. I don’t know why but they seem to be obsessing about a sleigh from 1888. They have actually been test flying that antique sleigh and designers have used it in the design studio to draw up the first plans for Santa’s new sleigh. I am sure we will be hearing more about this story as the year goes on.

We have many, many other questions from folks all over the world. Most want to know about what we are doing at the North Pole. To be honest, it is a busy work period here. We get a lot of stuff done during these months and everyone is working hard. Believe it or not we spend a great deal of time getting Christmas decorations made at this time of year. We have been painting ornaments, testing new types of lights, and playing with new materials to make stockings.

We hope your year is going by well and that those of you in school are studying hard. Good hard work is healthy for you!

We will check in with you in another month!

— Elf Ernest

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