Santa Launches!

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Santa Launches!

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Right on time and head first into a roaring blizzard — Santa has launched from the North Pole, officially throwing Operation Merry Christmas into the delivery phase of the mission. This is the moment we’ve been working towards all year long.

For all the drama of this launch it is important to note that once Santa did get off the ground he quickly rose above the storm and got on his way. There was real concern that conditions would allow him to do that. But he somehow made it and Santa and the reindeer are just fine. Never the less we recommend you take a listen to Elf Mitch’s call of Santa’s launch as it was broadcast live from the North Pole moments ago.

It is always a thrilling moment.

Elf Ernest

Bedtime Warnings: Nukualofa

Santa Launches! 3

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Santa Launches! 4

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