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50 Days Remain Until Santa’s Launch

Countdown to Santa's Launch50 days until Santa’s launch! It’s a big marker in the countdown to Christmas.

Some of the elves in North Pole flight command are getting ready to travel. Their task? To located and to begin setting up regional tracking centers in each world sector.

What’s a sector? Well, in simple terms it’s a group of time zones. For example, Sector 1 is made up of four time zones that take up the Pacific Ocean from pole to pole and from the International Dateline to the coast of Asia. If you want to understand sectors better, see the world map and explanation given at this page at North Pole Flight Command

Each of the regional tracking centers perform an important role in tracking Santa. They house not only emergency crews that watch Santa’s progress on a map. They also receive reports from every tracker elf in their sector. They compile those reports and feed important information to Flight Command to pass on to Santa.

So, as Santa flies around the world he has the most up-to-date information for every area of the world just as he flew to it.

You can see why they count down the days to Christmas then. There is not a lot of time left for them to do what they need to do.

Of course, the test flights of Santa’s sleigh continue. You can track their progress right now at North Pole Flight Command, too.

Everywhere you look at the North Pole today you see busy elves.

But there are no other signs yet that Christmas is coming.

Well, besides the fact there is snow everywhere. It has been snowing here every day since before Halloween.

Isn’t that weird?

Stay with us as our countdown to Santa’s launch continues.

Elf Max

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