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Radio Broadcast Begins in 24 Hours

Radio Broadcast

The annual radio broadcast of North Pole Radio News known as the Tracking Santa Around the World Show is set to begin in just 24 hours as Christmas Eve dawns in the South Pacific.

The broadcast was the original way of tracking Santa and it dates back about 100 years now. For many years it was the only way the masses tracked Santa around the globe.

The broadcast can heard free of commercial messaging on radio broadcasts around the world, including right here on SantaUpdate.com, via the player at the bottom of our page.

The broadcast runs for two full days, covering from when Christmas Eve begins right at the International Dateline all the way until Santa returns home on Christmas morning to the North Pole.

It features the best of Christmas music that is only interrupted by news reports from the North Pole Radio News staff.

Earlier this week those news elves met before spreading out to reporting stations all over the world. The news features not only information of Santa’s location and progress on his yearly trek but also includes live interviews with witness of Santa in the skies and in the homes of believers.

Elf Ernest



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I can’t wait I’ll be listening to Kringle Radio⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄

I’ll be listening⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄⛄

Hello Santa i’ve been really really really really really really good this year