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31 Weeks Until Christmas

Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh!!!! You guys are never going to believe this. I can fly a sleigh!!!

Hi, Elf Trixie here. I’m back! And I’m so excited. There are only 31 weeks left until Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas

That means I have only a short amount of time because a certified sleigh pilot. That’s right, I’m in flight school!

That Basic Elf Training thing was hard but some good stuff came out of it. I passed my math test, and I did really well with the physics exam. But when they put me in a sleigh flight simulator they offered me a scholarship to Elf Flight School. I hear it is a really big honor to get this.

I got my first classes last week and it was a total scream. I can’t even tell you. I got to go up in a sleigh with Elf Snowdog (not his real name, that’s his call sign) and he let me fly it for a while. It was SO cool.

I didn’t know this but most elves don’t get a flight license. Only certain elves can get a license.

When I did so well in all those classes and then took the flight simulator they got really excited because I qualified so fast. I guess that normally does not happen – especially when I wasn’t even trying that hard.

I mean, it just wasn’t on my radar. There’s a lot of things I want to do as an elf but I never dreamed of flying a sleigh.

But since I qualified and they asked, I said “Sure! I want to learn!” So Snowdog took me up and I gotta tell ya – I’m hooked now. Flying a sleigh is SO cool.

So I’m going to get my license.

It will take a while, they tell me. I have to log a lot of hours in the air as a pilot.

And I have to meet with a career counselor from the Department of Elf Resources. I guess they have a lot of questions and stuff.

I also heard that Elf Ernest is not happy about this. I saw him after I got home and just told him about this and he got a bit pouty. I guess he’s lost a lot of good elf reporters to flight school.

But he doesn’t have to worry. I’m not a flight risk, haha. (A little elf humor for you there).

I’m still a news elf at heart.

But doggone it. I have a reindeer. And she’s in flight training too. Sooner or later we’ve got to get together and go out for a spin on a snowy night. That’s a dream.

I’ll keep you posted on how all this goes.

Elf Trixie


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Yay! Congrats Trixie!

Way to go, you got this.

Congrats Trixie!

Awesome, congrats! I love these weekly updates!

Congratulations, Trixie!! That is a huge accomplishment- and one that sounds like so much fun!

Great job Elf Trixie!