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Thanksgiving Events at the North Pole

Thanksgiving Events
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Thanksgiving Events at the North Pole

Thanksgiving events at the North Pole are all the talk this week. The North Pole loves to do things together for Thanksgiving.

Operation Merry Christmas

Before we can get to the big event we call Operation Merry Christmas there are a lot of other things that have to happen.

First of all, there is the big Thanksgiving Day Elf Parade to get ready for on Thursday morning. The Elf Parade is one of the most popular events of the year. Most elves do something to participate in it.

Elves, for example, love trikes. For the parade they will decorate their bikes and then don crazy outfits to go with it. The crazier the better. You know an elf has done well when the crowd on the parade route cheers loudly as they go by.

But the Elf Parade is just the beginning.

Next is the big Thanksgiving Day luncheon at the North Pole Rec Center. Everyone eats together. Santa is there. He usually carves turkeys for about an hour before he stops to eat. I cannot tell you how many turkeys there are to feed everyone.

As the day grows late and the sun goes down another great event begins. We call it Santa’s walkabout.

Santa and Mrs. Claus will wander through North Pole Village to look at the lights and decorations that North Pole Residents put up. Most of the month of November the townspeople and elves are busy working on their homes with lights and decorations. They work secretly, trying not to reveal their surprises. There is a big contest and to win the light contest is a big deal. Elves really love getting that prize.

Of course, the biggest event of them all comes in the dark early morning hours on Friday – the start of Operation Merry Christmas.

For more about the Thanksgiving week plans at the North Pole listen to the North Pole Radio News report below.

Elf Ernest





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