Big changes
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Big Changes for Elf Supervisors

Santa finally opened the Elf Supervisor Conference by telling those gathered that the tracker elf program is really only getting started this year. Big changes are in store.

That program has been a pilot program for the first five years but Santa has taken it over this year now that the tracker elf program is officially a part of North Pole operations.

Santa explained that the tracker elf program is having a profound influence on several North Pole departments but that the Elf Supervisors would be seeing the biggest changes.

With more than 200 million remote-working tracker elves stationed all over the world Santa explained that more needs to be done to recruit them, train them, manage them and to get better production from them. That begins, evidently, with the Elf Supervisors.

During the first five years of the program Elf Supervisors were mere charged with keeping elves working in their sectors informed of Santa’s flight and directed them towards needed support of the effort.

Santa told Elf Supervisors to forget everything they thought they knew about their jobs. He emphasized to them that their jobs are changing, starting right now.

The next few days will detail for these elf supervisors exactly how their jobs will change and what will be expected of them going forward.

From that we hope to learn just how tracking Santa for Santa will change. We hope to learn how the jobs of tracker elves will be changing.

Santa says the new website capabilities at gives some clues to how things will be different. But he says it only scratches the surface – and that Elf Supervisors will be the ones who define the jobs of tracker elves going forward and set the pace for tracking Santa.