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Mrs. Claus Rallies Elves to Keep Searching for Santa

Santa Still Missing
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Mrs. Claus Rallies Elves to Keep Searching for Santa

Santa Claus was last in Bolivia, according to information shared last week here on SantaUpdate.com. At that time, we shared speculation from North Pole Security that Santa was headed to Sector 3.

Today North Pole Flight Command issued a correction, saying it really was not known where Santa is headed next.

“He has not been to Sector 3 much since he left the North Pole,” Elf Crash Murphy, International Director of Santa Trackers, said. “But that speculation was based on a comment he made to one of the reindeer handlers at the ranch, who said Santa commented on how much the high mountains in Bolivia reminded him of the Swiss Alps.” Crash said that was a “mighty long leap” in assuming Sector 3 was Santa’s next destination.

“We believe he is in a boat,” Elf Crash said. “They took him to a harbor. That would suggest a sea faring vessel, if we’re assuming correctly. But he could be in the Atlantic or the Pacific or the southern oceans for months to come. We just don’t know until we get some more clues. Until then, it’s just guess work.”

Crash’s frustration seems to mirror that of a lot of elves at the North Pole in the search for Santa.

Perhaps that is why Mrs. Claus issued a rare written memorandum encouraging North Pole Department heads of using activities in the coming weeks associated with the celebration of Christmas in July as “team building opportunities” that will aid those elf groups looking for Santa.

Meanwhile, other departments not traditionally associated with the support functions behind Santa, are asking to participate in the search for Santa at this time.

Notably, as featured on North Pole Radio News today on Kringle Radio, the Wrapping Department and the new head elf there, Elf Harriet Bow, are asking to participate in the search for Santa. (Click on the radio player above to hear her interview with Elf Frank Myrrh)

Mrs. Claus says she has a lot to share about Santa’s present activities and why he goes on a worldwide walkabout every three to five years. Perhaps we will get a podcast interview or maybe a chat with Mrs. Claus later in July.

We will keep you posted on this developing story.

Elf Harold Star

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Thank you, Elf Harold. Elf Frank, thank you for asking Elf Harriet. I wonder if the wrapping department elves search for Santa while wrapping toys. Yeah, Santa might appear if we made him interested! Elf Crash, you mean that Santa was in South Africa in sector 3 to see Elf Petey only?! I think he already landed on a port because of his purpose of walkabout. Santa, have fun, and please stay safe. I’m looking forward to hearing from Mrs. Claus and the next update! XD