Vixen Still Uncertain to Fly
Vixen has had a good week. She took her first solo flight of the year and has worked out with Santa’s full team for the first time as well.
Doctors are optimistic for her return but are not quite ready to declare that Vixen is cleared for full activity.
That hesitation is making all kinds of people nervous at the North Pole.
Vixen’s handlers in the Reindeer Department said that she is determined to be ready to fly when Santa needs to launch. But those same handlers are nervous because Vixen is still clearly favoring that leg.
The back-up team of Santa’s reindeer – and there are many alternates – are nervous, too. First, they wonder which of the many qualified reindeer might be called. But secondly they are anxious to take Vixen’s place knowing how hurt she will be in not being able to go.
Flight analysts and planners are nervous, too. Santa has had Vixen in the starting lineup for many, many years. A Christmas Eve flight without her would be historic. There is no current data to suggest how Santa’s team will do without her.
We are still several days away from Santa naming the starting and the back-up teams. He has yet to see Vixen or evaluate her himself.
For more information about the reindeer, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.
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Thank you, Elf Harold! I hope Vixen will get well completely soon and fly with Santa and his team of reindeer! I think Santa will wait for her till his launch. I pray for her, too. I want to give her a lot of apples, pears, and bananas. I hope our encouragement makes her get well soon. Elf Crash, please tell her we’re cheering her up! Thank you! XD