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Santa to Call a Meeting of Elves

Santa is concerned.

In a meeting I scheduled with Santa more than two months ago I expected to find Santa happy with the outcome of Operation Merry Christmas and celebrating the new all-time speed record he set in his new sleigh.

Instead, I found Santa pensive and worried about the year ahead. In questioning why he felt this way Santa would only say, “It’s soon to be February and nobody is thinking Christmas right now than those of us at the North Pole. I will address the world at a later time. But it is a good time to gather elves and I’m going to do it.”

Santa gave me no details about when this meeting would be called, where it would be held or what he would say at such a gathering.

But Santa did say that his travels on Walkabout in 2023 opened his eyes to some new realities about the state of the world and what people are presently feeling.

Since returning home from his annual Christmas sleigh ride Santa has been meeting, as he customarily does, with department heads and other important elves at the North Pole to review the year gone by and to make plans for the year ahead.

But nobody I have talked to since expected Santa to announce a general meeting for all elves.

I did speak to Elf Ernest, Senior Vice President at the North Pole, who said that Santa has some very clear thoughts about Christmas 2024 and that he is not surprised that Santa would want to share those thoughts with his elves.

This is a developing story and we will keep you posted on the details of a possible meeting for elves as they become available.

Elf Harold Star

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Santa did such an amazing job last year and I am sorry to hear that he is worried about the coming year. I will wait to hear what he is thinking and feeling and hopefully will be able to help him feel better.

Thank you, Elf Harold! Santa’s walkabout and his sleigh new speed record last year made us very excited. Yeah, I was thinking about what Santa’s goal is this year. I hope he will announce to us the tracker elves around the world, too. I wonder what he felt from people he met during his walkabout. We live far away from the North Pole, but I believe many tracker elves think about Christmas and Santa, at least me. So that, we need to know Santa’s mind to work for him! I’m looking forward to hearing the update! Thank you in advance… Read more »