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Here is the latest news from the North Pole! 

Santa Scouts the Sleigh
From somewhere in the South Pacific Santa Claus met with field tracker Elf Petey LaCroix this week to scout test flights of Santa’s sleigh. As reported earlier, Santa wanted to…
100 Days Until Santa Launches from the North Pole
There are 100 days now until Santa launches. This important milestone is marked on official North Pole websites and on countdown clocks around the world. Operation Merry Christmas – the…
Elf Scout Goes into Hiding
Elf Petey LaCroix, famed professional tracker of Santa who customarily reports on North Pole Radio News each Christmas Eve, has been dispatched from the North Pole to a secret location…
15 Weeks Until Christmas
Holy cow! There are only 15 weeks until Christmas! That’s NOTHING! And let me tell you, things have certainly cranked up a notch here at the North Pole. I cannot…

Older posts you may have missed

Santa Taking a Brief Break from Walkabout