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Here is the latest news from the North Pole! 

36 Weeks Until Christmas
Greetings, Happy Easter and Happy 36 weeks until Christmas! I must be getting old. The time now left until Christmas is just nothing. I cannot believe it’s Easter already. The…
Toyvember Winners to Be Announced
Toyvember continues at the North Pole, despite speculation Santa would end it due to events scheduled for some next week. However, we did learn that Santa expects to announce “winners”…
Easter at the North Pole
Easter is a big event at the North Pole. Elves and their families, especially the children, gather for a variety of events. On North Pole Radio News today on Kringle…
Elf Roger Star Headlines April Chat
North Pole Chat this month features Elf Roger Star, International Director of Santa Trackers. Roger will talk about changes to the Tracker Elf program and improvements to their website at…
Flight Command Announces First Regional HQ
North Pole Flight Command has announced the location for the Regional HQ for Sector 4. It will be located in Milagro, Ecuador. Every year each sector has a regional headquarters…