Chat with Elf Ernest
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A Chat with Elf Ernest

Elf Ernest is the Senior Vice President of Public Relations at the North Pole. In this chat, Elf Ernest talks a bit about his history and also the history of Santa Update. He tells of how the effort of answering questions about Santa and the…
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December Chats Scheduled

Two new chats have been scheduled for December in North Pole Chat (typically the toughest time of year to schedule a chat!). Elf Ernest, Santa’s Senior Vice President of Public Relations, will be here to discuss his 32 years of history…
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Chat Recap: Update on Operation Merry Christmas

With the return of Santa and Mrs. Claus to the North Pole with the reindeer the chat with Elves Ernest and Crash about Operation Merry Christmas took on an unexpected tone. It dominated much of the conversation. Here is a transcript of that…
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Chat Substitution Announced

With the absence of Mrs. Claus at this time from the North Pole and the return of her home unknown we are making a substitution on the chat schedule for the scheduled event in North Pole Chat this weekend. We will be taking questions…
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3 Months Until Christmas

Hi ho! Just 3 more months to go until Christmas. We’re excited! Last month I promised an update on Santa’s reindeer and here it is, short and sweet. They aren’t here yet. That’s all I can tell you. Usually I ask Santa about…
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Rare Chat Opportunity with Elf Ed Zachary Announced

Elf Ed Zachary, famed Defender of Santa Claus, columnist at the North Pole Gazette, and newly promoted head of the North Pole News Department, has agreed to be interviewed by Elf Ernest in North Pole Chat. The event is scheduled at a bit…
Christmas in July Chat
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Christmas in July Chat with Elf Ernest

Our first Christmas-in-July chat featured Elf Ernest, Senior Vice President of Public Relations at the North Pole. The purpose of the chat was to discuss plans for Christmas in July. The chat was well attended and featured a lot of diverse…
Leon Day Chat Recap
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Leon Day Chat Recap

Leon Day, held every June 24th, marks the halfway point to Christmas. We marked the day here with a special chat featuring three elves - Elf Frank Myrrh of North Pole Radio news, Elf Dr. Grant Smedley of Southern North Pole University, and Elf…
Chat with Elf Ernest This Sunday 1
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Chat with Elf Ernest This Sunday

Elf Ernest will be in North Pole Chat this Sunday at 5pm EST to discuss the year ahead on Elf Ernest is Santa's Sr. Vice President of Public Relations at the North Pole. His division operates the News Department, including…
18 Weeks Until Christmas 2
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18 Weeks Until Christmas

18 weeks until Christmas, gang! Have ya frosted any cookies yet? I have. I took a workshop Mrs. Claus held earlier this week. I had no idea there were so many rules to just frosting cookies. I would just slather the stuff on and sprinkle…
Chat with Elf Ernest
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Chat with Elf Ernest

A chat with Elf Ernest - me! - is scheduled this Sunday at 4pm EST in North Pole Chat. I will be discussing Christmas in July plans. While we have already posted a lot about Christmas in July there is more to come. Some I will announce on…
North Pole Chats
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First North Pole Chats Happening This Week

The first North Pole Chats will be happening this week. We're so excited to show you the North Pole Chat Calendar and to open the North Pole Chat Room. The first chat will be hosted by me, Elf Ernest. The first chat will be all about....North…