Tag Archive for: Tracking Santa

Tracking Santa
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Tracking Santa for Santa

Tracker Elves over at SantaTrackers.net are doing heroic work in the weeks leading up to Santa's launched. They are in the sixth year of a program that Santa launched that made elfhood a possibility for anyone anywhere. And ever since then Santa…
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One Hour Until Tracking Santa Show Begins

Our annual Tracking Santa Around the World radio show begins in just an hour. The news of Santa changes completely when that happens. In about an hour Christmas Eve begins in the far eastern portions of the world, right up against the…
North Pole Flight Command
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North Pole Flight Command Launches a New Site

North Pole Flight Command has now opened a brand new website. The new site is located at NorthPoleFlightCommand.com. North Pole Flight Command is one of the largest departments here at the North Pole. Simply put, it is their job to help Santa…
Tracking Santa Video
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Tracking Santa Video Surprises the North Pole

Our friends at MyMerryChristmas.com released a video put together featuring the voices of North Pole Radio news. Someone here at the North Pole saw on social media and copied it. The video was played at the meeting being held by the radio elves…
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Santa Kicks off Santa Tracking Efforts

Santa tracking is a world-wide tradition. It is huge at the North Pole, too. Even those who do not work at the Tracking Department get big into Santa tracking. But more importantly, Santa depends on trackers around the world the most. Even…
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North Pole News Kicks Off Radio Broadcast

It's that time kids! The annual Tracking Santa Around the World show on Kringle Radio has started. No, Santa has not yet left the North Pole. That's not why the North Pole News Department does this traditional broadcast. What's actually…
Tracking Santa Radio Broadcast
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Live Radio Broadcast to Begin Soon

Our Christmas Eve radio news coverage is soon to begin. You can listen to it right here on Santa Update or on any of the official websites of the North Pole. The news room at the North Pole this year will be anchored by Elf Holly Berry,…
Tracking Santa
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The Schedule of Tracking Santa

Hi all! The countdown to Christmas is rapidly coming to an end. While Santa's exact flight plan is not exactly know we do know precisely how we are going to track him. I want to make sure you understand what is about to happen. At this…
Tracking Santa
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Tracking Maps Go Live

Merry Greetings! North Pole Flight Command has now switched on live maps for use on various websites across the Internet, including right here on SantaUpdate.com where it will be located on our home page. TrackingSanta.net, another official…
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Tracking Santa Right

Happy Saturday! We talk a lot about the new things Santa does all the time. Santa uses new technology and is constantly improving on things. But some times Santa insists on doing things the old fashioned way. One of the big things Santa…

Tag Archive for: Tracking Santa

Tracking Santa with the North Pole

Tracking Santa with the North Pole

Tracking Santa with the North Pole is a whole new level in Santa tracking. We have been doing it here at the North Pole for decades but for the world at large it has only been available for the last 30 years or so. It is not like Santa tracking…