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Tooth Fairies Called in to Help in Santa’s Workshop

Elf Bernard’s call for help was answered today when hundreds of Tooth Fairies descended on the North Pole. Tooth Fairies are always the first to volunteer to help Santa out. They don’t always get along with the elves though. I tracked down Elf Bernard to find out how things were going.

“I can always count on the tooth fairies” Elf Bernard said. “They have helped us out of some bad situations before. Another bonus is that most of them don’t have to be trained since they have helped us out in the years past. With this extra help I’m hopeful that we will get everything done before Santa takes off this year.”

I asked Bernard if he was worried about the elves and the tooth fairies getting along.

“It’s true that we don’t always see eye to eye” Bernard told me. “Elves tend to be creative thinkers and we don’t necessarily follow the directions well. Tooth fairies on the other hand are very methodical and always adhere to their plan. This can lead to some tension between the two. We always get past those issues though to get the gifts made for the kids. I’m sure this year will be no different.”

We just have to be careful not to put any of the Tooth Fairies in the Wrapping Department. Their wings tend to get in the way of things like scissors and tape. The new powered tape dispensers could be especially dangerous for the fairies. So they will lend a hand making toys in Santa’s workshop.

— Elf Ernest

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