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Are YOU on the Naughty List?

updateNow might be a little late to be asking this question: have you been naughty recently?

Judging from the mail coming in to Santa at this hour a lot of kids are worried about it. We don’t actually know for sure if Santa keeps a Naughty List but we have a way for you to avoid it if there is one. Just tell Santa about your troubles! Use this handy form to help set the record straight with Santa.

If you get it over with now chances are you will more greatly enjoy the Santa Updates as they come in.

Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Estimated Time to Launch: 10 hours
Current North Pole Weather: 13 Degrees, Heavy Snow, High Winds
Command Center Status: All systems are go, all lights are green
Santa’s Status: Somewhere in Europe
Reindeer Status: Taking a nap.
Santa’s Workshop Status: 86% complete, still working
Santa’s Sleigh Status: 85% ready, sleigh bell repair underway
Wrapping Department Status: 54% complete, emergency contingency plans deployed
North Pole Christmas Party Readiness: 100% complete
North Pole Medical Center Report: No new cases of sickness reported
North Pole Post Office Status: 69% complete, full staff working — stocking mail overflowing
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Shady characters reported in Iceland; stockings stolen in Budapest; muddy conditions reported in India…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: All points in the Far East
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere

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