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Santa Says Santa Should Be Free

santahuh08Santa is reaching out to parents and kids this holiday season long before the season really begins. He wants to make sure that folks understand that anything having to do with Santa should be free.

“Sadly, too many people use Christmas and me to sell things,” Santa said. “That just should not happen. I don’t make money. I don’t sell things. I don’t think families or individuals should have to buy anything to know about Santa Claus and to enjoy the season.”

That is why Santa has made such a big effort this year to reach out to people in new ways.

SantaUpdate.com, of course, is a free venue and always will be. We tell the story of Santa as we countdown the days to Christmas.

But we have added several new sites and capabilities this year that are all free, commercial free, and completely family friendly and child safe.

Santa tracking news goes this year to radio by broadcast from the North Pole to KringleRadio.com. “This is the radio I listen to,” Santa said. “There are no commercials on it. It is just Christmas music, news and information. They don’t make money there and don’t sell anything. It is just all Christmas, all the time, all free. This is how it should be.”

The North Pole has established TrackingSanta.net — a site that is dedicated to showing Santa’s position on a map on Christmas Eve. The site has no ads. It isn’t “sponsored” by a commercial entity. It does not make money or cost money. The information posted there comes straight from the North Pole. “We don’t think you need to endure a tracking website with logos and ads,” Santa Claus said. “These things do cost money to run but for one day we are handling the cost and giving it to the world for free. We don’t want to sell anything, we just want folks to have a commercial-free Christmas.”

The North Pole has also set up JingleKringle.com, a site that broadcasts Santa tracking information by text message. “I want people to understand this site,” Santa said. “It doesn’t collect your number and send you junk mail. It isn’t associated with any company, brand or marketer. It exists for one reason — to put tracking info on phones and devices. That’s it. There are no ads. We don’t give your number away and the service is free. A lot of “get a text from Santa” websites out there charge money and that’s wrong, so very, very wrong.”

The North Pole has set up ElfHQ.com to handle all Santa related email and messaging for the North Pole. “It is free. It is safe,” Santa said. “We don’t collect private information there. We don’t sell anything. Any kind of contact with me or the elves at the North Pole is always free and never carries advertising.”

Santa is quite distressed that there are imposters out there who charge money to see Santa, take a picture with Santa, get a video of Santa, or receive a letter from Santa. The real Santa Claus doesn’t do that.

Elf Ernest


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