Santa Receives Thanks from Around the World
Elf Hugo and his team are working hard today in the North Pole Post Office. Nearly every other department at the North Pole is hardly functioning on the day after Christmas. But not the Post Office. Those guys have work to do.
And what happy work it is.
Santa Claus and the elves at the North Pole are receiving emails, faxes, texts and other types of messages of thanks from all over the world. Many are grateful for a wonderful Christmas and others still have questions. For example, the most common question we’re getting is “what is Santa doing right now?”.
Santa is resting and enjoying his family, like so many others. And like others he will be back to work soon. But before he gets back to work he makes sure he contacts each person important in his life and he wishes them a Merry Christmas and he tells them how much he loves them.
And Santa reads his mail. He has Christmas cards, letters and thank you’s to read. He enjoys reading these very much.
For me, it is gratifying to get a little post Christmas mail, too. More people that ever tracked Santa with us this year. And of the thousands of great messages we have received one of the very best came from a man from Texas, in the USA, who first tracked Santa Claus with us on a Christmas Eve way back in 1993 when he was a kid. He has children of his own and has for many years, always stopping by here on Christmas Eve to follow along. His kids have never known a Christmas without Santa Update. He writes:
Please don’t ever go away. I keep wondering every year if you will still be here and thank God you have been. My oldest son is 14 and he still believes, thanks to you. I should come by more often through out the year but never seem to make it until Christmas Eve. I hold my breath worried that you won’t be here or that something will have changed. I worry that this site will become commercialized like so many other things of Christmas. But like a rock it stays the same. Kind of like our Christmas tree and Mom’s fudge. It is a tradition that never gets old. I have come to love you.
Nothing could be more gratifying to hear. Thank you to the Rodriquez family of Abilene, Texas — and to thousands of others — who continue to be here each Christmas and for taking the time to write. That’s Christmas to us.
We enjoyed hearing from folks new to Santa Update, too. One Mom from North Carolina told us about Christmas Eve day in her home with four very excited boys, ages 4, 7, 9 and 13. They followed along first on Tracking, followed the links here to Santa Update and listened to Kringle Radio when we began broadcasting on Monday, December 23rd:
They are excited every Christmas but this Christmas was off the charts. Usually they have little to do but play and get into trouble but this year they were angels. Every time that music of news on Kringle Radio would play they would run to the computer to listen and then look at the maps. They loved all the elves on the radio. It so thoroughly entertained them that I giggled all day long watching them. This is our new Christmas tradition.”
Thank you, Garner family of Chapel Hill. Glad to hear the boys were so engaged with our efforts!
From other adults we heard some things too. One man stumbled on Kringle Radio and got interested in some music playing there and wrote in to ask questions about it. But it was his comments about the Santa tracking we do that thrilled us:
The music is really good but I am enjoying the Santa news too. I’m 56 years old without a kid in the house and I am excited for Santa to get here. Count me as a fan.
Thank you, Mr. Holbrook.
And thanks to all those from around the world who have taken time to write in, where ever you are. We have emails from Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Iceland, Great Britain, South Africa, Ukraine, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Romania, Oman, and lots of other places. We have heard from folks serving in the military, away from their homes and family who track Santa together with us, checking with each other via Skype and other Internet means to follow things together. What a wonderful thing to do!
We hope you come back often throughout the year to see what we’re doing to countdown to Santa’s next launch and that you will join us again next year for our 23rd year of news from the North Pole.
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