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Reasons for Tourists to Come to the North Pole

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Reasons for Tourists to Come to the North Pole


The Mariana islands are reporting visits from Santa at this time. The speed of the sleigh appears to be constant and reindeer fatigue does not appear to be an issue.

As the North Pole Christmas Party gets underway the Board of Tourism at the North Pole would like everyone to know that travel to the North Pole is something to consider. Listen to them tout the paradise we call the North Pole in the interview below.

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: Big news from Santa’s workshop
Hang-Your-Stockings Reminders: Central Russia
Active Bedtime Warnings: Sapporo, Japan — Santa sees you and says “good night”

Listen to Elf Red Stocking interview the head of the North Pole Board of Tourism:

[powerpress] kradioani


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