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Weather Concerns Mounting at the North Pole

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Weather Concerns Mounting at the North Pole


High winds are now a huge concern whether or not there is additional snowfall at the North Pole. But elves in the Weather Center are saying that there will be a lot of new snowfall at the North Pole — epic amounts of snow.

That combination has the tracking department very concerned. Once and if Santa can get out of here it isn’t as big a deal. But if this “storm of the century” gets going in full force before Santa launches he may never get off the ground.

Elf Ernest
Click here to Visit the Tracking Center ~ Click here to Track Santa by Text
North Pole Weather: -24 degrees F, *** Overcast *** **BLIZZARD WARNING**
Where it is Christmas Eve: Suva, Wellington, Nukualofa, Kiritimati, Samoa
Bedtime Warnings: None yet

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