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North Pole Post Office Urges Use of Stocking Mail

North Pole Podcast

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While the world still awaits Santa to come down to earth we’re receiving word from the North Pole Post Office that now might be a good time for children to switch to stocking mail if they want to send a message to Santa.

Stocking mail is mail sent through your Christmas stocking. By now most of you have your Christmas stockings hung. You can put a note or a drawing in your stocking and an elf will pick it up and take it to the North Pole. Or, you can instruct that they just leave it in your stocking for Santa to see it when he comes to your house.

The North Pole Post Office says that mail to Santa himself is a little stacked up at the moment. They have lost communication with the sleigh as it returns from orbit. Without communication they cannot relay emails and texts to Santa’s sleigh. So things in the mail department are consequently falling a bit behind.

Elf Ernest

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