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Sleigh Bell Tuning Continues

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Sleigh Bell Tuning Continues

Santa TrackingOver at the sleigh barn there is a big “music room”.

Seriously. It’s not about about reindeer and sleighs over there.

The “music room” is called that because it is a room that is designed for sound. The walls are padded, there are tuning instruments and a number of musical instruments in there too. The room has one purpose. To tune the bells used on Santa’s sleigh.

It is a process that takes hours and it is overseen by Elf Gloria.

The reindeer need the sleigh bells to help them keep rhythm. Santa needs the sleigh bells because in bad weather the reindeer cannot always hear him — but they can hear the bells. The bells keep the reindeer on track.

But if one bell is out of tune it can cause problems. So they spend hours before Santa launches making sure the whole string of bells is absolutely perfectly in tune.

It is a tedious process.

Elf Ernest

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O my josh eeeeeeek!!!?I am so exited tomarowow is Christmas eve yhea