200 Days Until Santa's Launch

Greetings, elves. Today officially marks the 200-day milestone in the countdown to Santa’s launch. We have just 200 days now to get the sleigh built, tested, and ready for Santa. We also only have 200 days to get millions of Santa tracker elves recruited, trained and ready to track Santa around the world.

Shouldn’t be too much work.

We are off to a fast start. If you have followed along at NorthPoleFlightCommand.com, you already know that regional tracking centers have been set up in all five sectors.

That’s the earliest this has happened in history, folks. Santa is pretty serious about things this year.

Sector 1 is located in Bethlehem, New Zealand. Sector 2 is located in Demre, Turkey. Sector 3 is located in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. Sector 4 is in Natal, Brazil. And Sector 5 is located in Christmas Island, Nova Scotia.

I share those locations with you because we’re soon to be setting up a tracking map for the test flights of Santa’s sleigh. Those tracking centers will be clues to where Santa’s Sleigh will test first.

We’ll be making an announcement soon of where you might be able to see the tracking map for the test flights. To get in on the earliest news you might want to become an elf and join the ranks of Santa trackers tracking Santa for Santa at SantaTrackers.net.

200 days to go! It’s coming up fast!

Elf Max

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When will the Tracking Map For the Test Flights For Santas Sleigh Go Online? Right Now its Offline

I could help recruit more people this year. Just let us know when it is time! 😉
I’m looking forward to it!