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North Pole Celebrates Easter Without Santa


A stunned North Pole is celebrating Easter this year without Santa.

Easter services are being led by Elf Jacob King, who regularly leads services at the North Pole Chapel.

Mrs. Claus will be in attendance. After the services the community Easter egg hunt will be held at the North Pole Events Center.

All events had to be moved indoors this year due to weather, which is not unusual for Easter at the North Pole.

While the Easter celebration today is traditional there is a sense of shock after the announcements of earlier this week.

Several more announcements are expected in the days ahead.

Elf Ernest tells me that the status of Operation Merry Christmas – which gets updated every day via memo emailed out by Mrs. Claus’ office – remains on track.

As the senior elf among the 4-member senior vice president level team newly assigned this week Elf Ernest has been meeting with Mrs. Claus and Elves Wally, Oliva and Gerty to get a handle on additional changes going forward.

At the same time, they have had to get up to speed on Operation Merry Christmas and their parts in it.

Elf Ernest says he is not sure yet of how all the changes will be announced by department.

Given how early it is in the year, and the huge amount of elf training that will be needed because of all these changes, the news might not be the first thing that gets out.

But don’t worry.

Santa is a planner. Even though he isn’t here he planned for all these changes.

So Christmas is coming, and so is Santa, just as it has always been scheduled.

It just might feel a little funky here for a while as everyone settles in.

We hope your Easter is a fun celebration for you and your family.

Elf Harold

2 replies
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Harold. I hope the elves at the North Pole had a fun Easter egg hunt. I hope Santa also enjoyed Easter with some people somewhere, or he could see some pictures or videos of their hunting. I look forward to hearing how Operation Merry Christmas goes well with the new vice presidents this year!

  2. Elf Sugar Cookie
    Elf Sugar Cookie says:

    I hope you, and everyone at the North Pole, had a nice Easter, even with it being so different this year. Thank you for the update!

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