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Here is the latest news from the North Pole! 

North Pole Works to Dispel Rumors
Weather concerns have dominated the news at the North Pole and that has led to lots of rumors that the powers that be at the North Pole want to dismiss.…
Test Flights End
North Pole Flight Command has recalled all sleighs of the Test Flight team and have declared an end to traditional test flights for this year. Santa’s actual sleigh will be…
Flight Command Adjusts for Bad Weather
The countdown clock in Santa’s workshop, which we last talked about on the day after Thanksgiving, is now approaching eye level in Santa’s workshop. Everyone can see it ticking. Who…
Weather Slows Down Operation Airlift
North Pole Flight Command is struggling in their efforts to stay on top of Operation Airlift. Operation Airlift is a Santa support effort that features tens of thousands of sleighs,…

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1 Week Until Christmas