1 Week Until Christmas
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
1 Week Until Christmas

Greetings! We made it! Just one week now until Christmas. By this time next week we will be Santa tracking on the radio and it will be Christmas Eve in Sector 1.

Countdown to Christmas

But you want to know why I’m really happy right now?

My reindeer Trixie is home. Her service on the test flights is over because she was named to the backup team to Santa’s reindeer. It is a huge honor for her – and, oh so exciting for me.


Because I likely get to spend Christmas with her. It’s the only way it could possibly happen. If she did not make the backup team, she would be working somewhere else on Christmas Eve.

Now as a member of the backup team she’ll be right here at the North Pole. As her “family”, as I’m called at the Reindeer Barn, I get to see her as much as I want while she is here – including on Christmas Eve when she is “on call”, as are all the other reindeer on the backup squad.

Do you have any idea what that means to me?

Today, as sometimes happens, folks started to get a little nervous. I’m still trying to understand this. The news for Operation Merry Christmas has been fantastic. None of the departments are behind, the reindeer are all healthy, Santa’s sleigh is performing great – what is there to be nervous about?

But it seems everyone I’m seeing today at the North Pole is just a little worried.

Frankly, I’m blaming Elf Z.

He’s that mysterious elf that popped up in the Elf Community over at SantaTrackers.net a month or so ago. He works at Flight Command.

Yesterday, he posted at SantaTrackers.net about all the “nervous Nellies” he was seeing in Flight Command.

That news spread like wildfire here at the North Pole – and now everyone is worried.

But nobody can explain why.

I don’t think Elf Z meant to cause alarm. I think he meant to say that it’s a week before launch and everyone gets the jitters at this point. Especially in a year like this one. Nothing has gone wrong and nobody wants to see anything crop up at the last minute.

But others are taking his comments differently. Some think there is something wrong, that it’s big, and that sometime in the next couple of days we’re going to get bad news.

You know who has been rock solid in their confidence? And absolutely unwavering in their belief that things are okay?

Santa and Mrs. Claus.

I talked to Mrs. Claus about what Elf Z said. She told me that Elf Z is a stand-up elf and that he’s absolutely honest. So if he says he sees nervous elves in Flight Command it is probably true.

Then she said, “It also does NOT mean anything is actually wrong. Everyone gets nervous a week before Christmas.”

So there. Until there’s news to worry about – relax.

For more information about what’s going on a North Pole Flight Command, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Trixie



Operation Merry Christmas

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Congratulations to Trixie. The upcoming week will probably move at a very quick pace.


Thank you, Elf Trixie, and congratulations on Trixie becoming a backup member! I’m glad to hear that they spend time together now. When I saw Elf Z’s post, I thought that they were excited and nervous because Santa’s launch was coming soon, but it was different. I know there are so many elves in the North Pole Village, and they tend to easily affect worry and negative things. That’s good they go carefully, but I hope they talk about Operation Merry Christmas’s success and focus on how to help Santa positively. Merry Christmas! XD