Flight Command Adjusts
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Flight Command Adjusts for Bad Weather

The countdown clock in Santa’s workshop, which we last talked about on the day after Thanksgiving, is now approaching eye level in Santa’s workshop. Everyone can see it ticking.


Who could have imagined then the crisis unfolding at the North Pole?

According to elves in the Weather Department at Flight Command nearly 40 feet of snow has fallen in the past 24 hours.

The intense weather has crippled all outside activities at the North Pole, especially the flight operations at the North Pole Sleigh Port.

Flight Command has had to adjust for the bad weather.

Sleighs are now being prepped and launched at the field house at North Pole High School. It’s the largest building with enough open space to launch sleighs from. Engineers have constructed huge sliding doors that are opened only a minute or so before a sleigh launch.

They took the idea for this approach of launching sleighs from Santa’s annual launch from the Sleigh Barn. Santa usually leaves while a crowd in a constructed grand stand watches his final moments before flight.

Between the Field House and the Sleigh Barn, Operation Airlift has been able to continue.

They have not been able to sustain their usual pace of sleigh launches. But adjustments to flight schedules and the use of alternative ground based form of transportation for certain things have allowed them to continue.

Also, the far west runway, on the opposite side of their usual location at the Sleigh Port, Flight Command is coordinating an around the clock effort to maintain a “frozen landing strip” for incoming sleighs.

Flight Director Elf Buck Sanchez says this altered routine is working. “We forget these are flying sleighs. We don’t have to remove all the snow. We just need to make it level enough to land safely. They can land on top of the snow.”

So crews are continually working a single lighted area specifically groomed for landing inbound sleighs.

These adjustments are working. Nobody can say whether or not the movement of personnel and freight from the North Pole is on track. It’s too early for that assessment. But the operation has picked up speed since the first part of this week.

For more on Operation Airlift and the Snowpocalypse at the North Pole, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

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40 feet of snow!WOW! how is Santa supposed to deliver all of the presents when it is hard to lift off when there is lots of snow.

40 feet isnow! Wow! I’m sector 5 and my state in the USA hardly ever gets snow and if we do it’s usualy only a few inches. I can’t imagine having 40 feet. I hope everything goes smoothly and everyone and reindeer stay safe and warm. I’m ready to help Santa in any ways I can. Merry Christmas

Thank you for the information.

-Elf Happy

Thank you, Elf Harold! I’m glad to hear that the adjustments are working. I pray they will continue to go well. So many elves are at the North Pole village, so I believe that working together will achieve the goal. Thank you, Elf Frank and Elf Crash, for the daily reports. I’ll work with you all for Santa, even though I live far away from the North Pole! Merry Christmas! XD