Weather Slows Down Operation Airlift
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News

North Pole Flight Command is struggling in their efforts to stay on top of Operation Airlift.

Update from the North Pole

Operation Airlift is a Santa support effort that features tens of thousands of sleighs, thousands of reindeer and elves, and an around-the-clock global effort to get freight, elves and “special missions” to various parts of the world.

Operation Airlift began weeks ago but it runs thru all of this week and even during the time Santa is in flight.

The Weather Department at North Pole Flight Command reports that the forecast for white-out blizzard conditions have been moved up. Originally forecast to hit around December 21st-22nd it worsened on December 17th – and now weather watchers are predicting it may extended into the New Year.

For more information about the current state of North Pole weather and what it means for Santa’s flight please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

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Thank you, Elf Harold! I remember it sometimes was a blizzard for another year, too. Thank you, Elf Frank, Elf Crash, and Elf Seymour! I pray that Santa’s launch, flight, and Operation Aitlift’s sleigh will go smoothly and safely! I’m curious about what Santa thinks. I think he wants to fly, and his reindeer are as well, too. Negative thinking results in negative results, and worry thinking does, too. Let’s think positively and smile anytime! Santa told us to express love, have faith, give hope, and Merry Christmas! XD