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17 Weeks Until Christmas

17 Weeks Until Christmas

Just 17 weeks until Christmas? Can you say “wow”?

Countdown to Christmas

I’ve had this date circled on the calendar since January. I could not wait to write this week’s countdown update.

How did I know this would be such a big week?

Well, it’s the last week before the Bers.

The Ber months of September, October, November and December are the best months of the year.

At least that’s how I look at it. And the Bers never disappoint. Especially this year.

Why? Cause big things are brewing.

As the news has told us, Santa more or less confirmed the reindeer are coming back early.

That means it’s really going to happen. I don’t know when and I don’t really care at this point. They will be here soon, that’s all I know.

Knowing that now is much better than not knowing if they will show up until late November, like the have the last few years.

It tells me this is going to be a long, long season. And that’s a good thing.

It’ll be long in the sense that everyone will be fired up early. It’ll be long in that we’ll have news to share for four solid months. It’ll be long in that we have special work to do.

That’s all good. Who doesn’t love a Christmas like that?

So keep your eyes peeled on the news here at Santa Update.

I’ve got it on good authority that the minute reindeer are spotted in the skies heading north we’re going to get a live radio news report.

In fact, I’ve never seen the News Department at the North Pole so motivated and prepared to share news.

You’re going to love it. Trust me.


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Thank you, Elf Trixie. The Ber months sound exciting! I like to feel the Christmas spirit anywhere. Yes, the reindeer will return to the North Pole soon! I’d be delighted if we could work with them to spread love. I hope everyone has a Merry Thoughtful Christmas this year! XD

Thanks Elf Trixie! Yes, its already almost here! can’t wait! I’ve had Christmas on my calendar since the two days after Christmas! It’s so close! Keep it up Trixie, your one of our best news reporters here! You elves got this!