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50 Weeks Until Christmas

50 Weeks Until Christmas

Happy New Year! Just 50 weeks remain until Christmas and we’re in an all new routine.

Countdown to Christmas

Christmas Eve this year falls on a Wednesday and Christmas Day is on a Thursday.

That means my countdown post each week will come out on one of those two days – all year, right up until the big day.

It feels odd to have the countdown in the 50s. It makes Christmas seem so far away.

But at the same time, Christmas comes so fast for me anymore. It seems like we started the New Year just the other day and here we are doing it again.

You’re probably wondering what’s happening at the North Pole right now.

Well, not much.

Santa got home on Christmas morning and immediately joined the North Pole Christmas Party. Then he took a good long nap.

When he got up the next day, early in the morning, he went to the Workshop and reset the countdown clock for next Christmas. Then he declared a holiday telling all the elves to not come back to work until Tuesday, January 7th.

So it’s been playtime at the North Pole.

I have come to love the week or so after Christmas every year now. Not only does Santa give us the time off but Trixie, my valiant reindeer, is home. And she’s home now for months. It’s finally MY time with MY Trixie.

She’s doing awesome. She had such a brilliant year last year. She was on the test flight team. She played in the Reindeer Games. And she made the backup team of Santa’s reindeer for Christmas Eve.

And she’s not even four years old yet!

She is one of those reindeer who get talked about as a possible a replacement for one of those on Santa’s A-team. That’s a HUGE honor, especially for a reindeer so young.

Trixie was gone for better than 6 months – more than half the year. I have missed her so much.

When she got back I got called over by Elf Kendra over at the Reindeer Barn. She’s a trainer. She told me that I needed to know something about my Trixie.

You see, it seems that Trixie has a boyfriend.

Elf Kendra, such a sweet elf, explained to me that she thinks Trixie might want to become a Mommy.

I’m thinking about that.

I mean – gosh – I know how it works with people, but how can Kendra know this about a reindeer? I mean, she’s a trained professional, so, of course, I believe her. But what does this mean? What do I do?

She told me to talk to Elf Victor about Trixie and that maybe even Santa might be able to advise me.

It scares me a little. To me, she’s still just a baby herself. But Kendra tells me this is exactly what grown up reindeer like Trixie do.

So I’m going to talk to Victor and Santa about it. And I’m going to see if I can figure out exactly what is on Trixie’s mind.

And who is this boyfriend.

I gotta find that out too.

So anyways. The story never ends here at the North Pole.

I’ll let you know what happens.

Elf Trixie

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Merry Christmas

Happy New Year, Elf Trixie! I hope you enjoyed your time off with Trixie— you both deserve it! Trixie has accomplished so much in the last four years and is an amazing reindeer! Looking forward to hearing more about her boyfriend. As always, thank you for taking time each week to bring a piece of the North Pole to those of us who live far away. It means more than you know.

Trixie sounds so sweet. I’m wondering who her boyfriend is?

Again, thank you for starting the countdown, Elf Trixie! I’m glad to hear Santa sounds healthy. Wow, that’s awesome news! Trixie worked so hard last year, so it’s a happy surprise! Yeah, I thought her boyfriend was Mighty Mick, but he works at a new training school, so maybe a different guy. Will they get married? I hope Trixie stays healthy, warm, and calm.
I’m looking forward to hearing her update and Santa and the other elves’ updates, too! Merry Christmas! XD