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Tracking Santa Radio News Updates

Tracking Santa

We are pleased to share with you the archive of all North Pole Radio News reports from the Tracking Santa Around the World radio show. These were broadcast live via Kringle Radio from December 23rd to December 25th and heard in more than 160 countries around the world.

North Pole Radio News Reports

The traditional live radio broadcast shares news of tracking Santa from when Christmas Eve dawns in the South Pacific until Santa’s return to the North Pole.

The broadcast is a herculean effort involving thousands of elves around the world with news anchors at the North Pole News Desk, in North Pole Flight Command, and in every regional tracking center located in five sectors around the world.

It is part of a commercial-free radio broadcast of Christmas music interrupted only by these cherished radio news reports.

We remind you that the entirety of this year’s Christmas broadcast will be shared again during our Christmas-in-July celebrations later this summer, scheduled for start on July 23rd.

Each year as we track Santa the reports from North Pole Radio News tell a different adventure for Santa and the world as Santa’s annual ride unfolds.

We hope you enjoy listening to these unique reports.

Elf Harold Star

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Awesome. I read your Christmas news all year around

Thank you so much for sharing, Elf Harold! That’s amazing; I’m so pleased to listen to the radio show and the reports now! It sounds like Christmas is every day! Thank you so much for their hard work to all the elves, the reporters, Operation Airlift, the North Pole Navy, the North Pole Flight Command, etc., including Elf Frank and Elf Crash! I hope we can listen to it for longer. I love them all! XD