Entries by Elf Harold Star

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Santa and Elves Celebrate Christmas

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Santa and Elves Celebrate Christmas



Santa made a triumphant return to the snowy North Pole in the past few minutes to finally be able to celebrate Christmas with Mrs. Claus, his family and the elves. Just as when he left, the snow was flying to welcome him home. As you can hear on the final radio call, Santa set another […]

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Tracker Elves Checking In

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Tracker Elves Checking In



Tracker Elves worldwide have started their check-in process to track Santa for Santa. This comes a full day ahead of their customary schedule, as announced a few days ago by the International Director of Santa Trackers, Elf Crash Murphy. Elf Crash explained that due to the delays suffered by Operation Airlift this week it was […]

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North Pole Works to Dispel Rumors

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Works to Dispel Rumors



Weather concerns have dominated the news at the North Pole and that has led to lots of rumors that the powers that be at the North Pole want to dismiss. For example, there’s a rumor going around that the weather is so bad Santa won’t be able to launch. This is not true. Santa takes […]

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Test Flights End

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News



North Pole Flight Command has recalled all sleighs of the Test Flight team and have declared an end to traditional test flights for this year. Santa’s actual sleigh will be dispatched on one final test flight, expected to depart from the North Pole sometime early on Monday morning. The test flights of Santa’s sleigh began […]

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Flight Command Adjusts for Bad Weather

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Flight Command Adjusts for Bad Weather



The countdown clock in Santa’s workshop, which we last talked about on the day after Thanksgiving, is now approaching eye level in Santa’s workshop. Everyone can see it ticking. Who could have imagined then the crisis unfolding at the North Pole? According to elves in the Weather Department at Flight Command nearly 40 feet of […]

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Weather Slows Down Operation Airlift

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News



North Pole Flight Command is struggling in their efforts to stay on top of Operation Airlift. Operation Airlift is a Santa support effort that features tens of thousands of sleighs, thousands of reindeer and elves, and an around-the-clock global effort to get freight, elves and “special missions” to various parts of the world. Operation Airlift […]

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Backup Team of Reindeer Named

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Backup Team of Reindeer Named



The backup team of Santa’s reindeer has been officially announced today by officials in the Reindeer Operations Department at the North Pole. You might recognize some of these names. They are: • Thor • Pokey • Trixie • Champ • Tater • Olive • Snowberry • Pudge • Jupiter • Noel This is the first […]

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North Pole Navy Repositions

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Navy Repositions



Sources in North Pole Flight Command say that the North Pole Navy is being repositioned this week. This is not unusual for the week before Santa launches. Not a lot of people know or understand much about the North Pole Navy. The North Pole, under the direction of Santa Claus, of course, has a very […]

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Reindeer Go Into Isolation

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Reindeer Go Into Isolation



Santa’s A-team of reindeer have gone into isolation. Nothing is wrong. This is standard protocol. The idea is to keep the health of the reindeer in check and to make sure that in the time between now and when Santa launches the reindeer remain properly fed, exercised and hydrated. “There have been years when Santa […]