North Pole Works to Dispel Rumors
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Works to Dispel Rumors

Weather concerns have dominated the news at the North Pole and that has led to lots of rumors that the powers that be at the North Pole want to dismiss.

Rumors at the North Pole

For example, there’s a rumor going around that the weather is so bad Santa won’t be able to launch.

This is not true.

Santa takes off from the Sleigh barn every year, under cover from any kind of weather. North Pole Flight Command assures that Santa’s traditional take off will be unaffected by the weather, no matter how bad it is. Santa usually takes off in severe weather, it’s very normal for the North Pole.

There’s another rumor going around that Santa won’t have enough presents to pass out when he rides on Christmas Eve.

That too is false. If Santa were to take off today he’d have enough to deliver to believers in more than 75 percent of the world. Santa’s Workshop and North Pole Flight Command work all year to make sure Santa’s supply chain is full.

And lastly, a rumor is going around that the reindeer will not be able to fly in the severe weather now taking place all over the world.

This is not true. The reindeer are healthy and have never had a problem in any kind of severe weather.

For more about misinformation being passed around in these days before Christmas please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

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Hi Santa

Thanks for clearing things up Elf Harold Star!! 🙂

Wow! Thank you! Have a Merry Christmas!

Thank you! I’m glad that all these negative rumors are false!

Thank you for telling us the truth, Elf Harold! Rumors make rumors, and they confuse us. I’m glad to know them, and I believe Santa will fly with any weather! Thank you, Elves Frank, Crash, and Hugo! Wow, the Post office is so busy now. Thank you for delivering to Santa. I hope people send wish lists as soon as possible to make Santa’s delivery safely and Operation Airlift go smoothly and safely! Merry Christmas!🎄 🙌🦌🎅