Test Flights End

North Pole Flight Command has recalled all sleighs of the Test Flight team and have declared an end to traditional test flights for this year.
Santa’s actual sleigh will be dispatched on one final test flight, expected to depart from the North Pole sometime early on Monday morning.
The test flights of Santa’s sleigh began last summer after the design of the new sleigh was approved by Santa. Since that time a fleet of sleighs have travelled the world, testing the new design in all kinds of weather over all kinds of places.
Based on last year’s record-setting sleigh, this year’s sleigh has some advanced new features that will aid Santa as he makes his way around the world. We can’t share all of the new features with you because of security concerns but we can share these details:
• Santa’s heavy-duty leather and memory foam bench seat has been weatherized to prevent absorption of water. It is heated and cooled automatically according to current weather, humidity, and other factors.
• Advanced electronics allow for Santa to have multi-channel access to North Pole Flight Command, the flagships of the North Pole Navy and to every Regional Tracking Center around the globe.
• Sleek new “windshield wipers” for dash displays have been installed to keep screens clean and dry in any weather.
• The “Reindeer Assessment Dashboard” is a revolutionary heads-up display that provides vital information on the blood oxygen level and fatigue of each reindeer in real time. The radar-assisted technology means the reindeer do not need to wear any additional equipment while flying. Santa will be able to see their vitals at all times during his flight, something he considers essential especially in hot, dry climates they visit.
Test pilots who have flown the new sleigh rave about its flying capabilities, comfort and radical technologies. Many call it the most advanced flying machine ever produced.
One final test flight, traditionally done in the hours just before Santa climbs into the sleigh himself for the first time, is scheduled about 12 hours before Santa’s launch.
For more information about that please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.
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Thank you elf Frank For the update
WOO! We did it! We made it to the last Flight test.. Now we have to see how it goes Im feeling Nervous as well And yes Elves can be nervous And yeah! Woo!
Thank you, Elf Harold! I’m glad to learn that Santa’s suit, sleigh, and reindeer dashboard are advanced! I wonder if Operation Airlift’s sleighs and pilots have some of them. Santa’s sleigh is open, I’m curious how he can protect his face from any weather, is it by air pressure curtain? Oh, are all other sleighs open style, too? Thank you, Elf Crash, I’m looking forward to hearing about your reports soon! Elf Frank, yes, I’ll try to listen to the radio news and radio shows as long as I can! Merry Christmas! XD