Latest Santa Updates

Greenland Giddy About Santa

Greenland is very happy at this time -- Santa is there! He's also changing his reindeer there, bringing back Rudolph ...

Iceland Welcomes Santa

Santa has just landed in Iceland. - Elf Ernest Coming up next: Mrs. Claus checks in Active Bedtime Warnings: Caracas, ...

West Africa Celebrates Santa

Cape Verde and all points west in Africa are reporting that Santa is there. Coming up, Santa wants to chat ...

Santa in Portugal

Folks in Portugal are sending in reports that Santa has been there. - Elf Ernest Coming up next: Santa's strategy ...

London Sights Santa!

We have reports that Santa's sleigh has been spotted in London! Meanwhile, at the North Pole, Elf Hugo reports that ...

Central and South Africa Report Santa

Santa is visiting all over Africa at this time and moving very, very fast. - Elf Ernest Coming up next: ...

Finland Reports!

Santa is now in Findland after making several stops in Sweden. - Elf Ernest Coming up next: What reindeer eat ...

Norway Welcomes Santa

Santa is now in Oslo! There are so many directions Santa can take right now and the tracking center is ...

Switzerland Reports!

The Swiss are welcoming Santa at this time. Europe is about to see Santa make a run.... - Elf Ernest ...

Tunis Welcomes Santa

Santa is back in North Africa, presently in Tunis. Some elves have slipped away from the tracking center to join ...

Nigeria Welcomes Santa

Santa is now in Nigeria. Still moving very, very fast. - Elf Ernest Coming up next: Counting at the North ...

North Africa Welcomes Santa

Santa is in North Africa and making great time there. We're being told that Santa might be changing reindeer again ...

Santa is in Greece

Athens has welcomed Santa and folks in Western Europe are taking notice! We have observed a lot of the hurried ...

Jerusalem Celebrates Santa

Santa is now in Israel, one of his favorite stops. The celebration at the North Pole is getting really loud ...

Santa in Kuwait

Santa has arrived in Kuwait. He continues to move at an astounding rate of speed. All is well with the ...