Secrets of the North Pole Sleigh Craft Carrier
We’re learning more and more about the sleigh craft carrier known as Jingle Bell 1.
We know that it is designed in the shape of a Christmas tree, a clever idea that allows the carrier to launch and land multiple sleighs easily as well…

Santa Kidnappers Caught
Thanks to the good work of secret spies located in the United States some would-be kidnappers of Santa Claus are out of business.
Two secret spies for Santa reported that six boys ages 8 to 14 planned an elaborate scheme to kidnap Santa.…

Ships at Sea Report Sightings of Jingle Bell 1
We’re receiving reports from ships in the far northern seas of the Bering Strait that they believe they have spotted Jingle Bell 1 in the skies above the arctic circle.
That would be quite unusual because it is dark there and Jingle…

What the North Pole Navy Means for Santa
We’re learning more about the three ships that now make up what is called the North Pole Navy.
Santa has launched a project he calls Operation St. Nicholas, in honor of the legendary figure of hundreds of years ago.
Of the good…

Millions Volunteer to Work as Elves
Over the past several months we have spent a lot of time talking about what it takes to become an elf. Many of you have responded – in fact, millions of you out there want to become an elf.
The first step that we all take is to take…

Wrapping Department Making Headway
Good news! Elf Wally says that the combined efforts of the Wrapping Department at the North Pole and the Wrapping Center on Jingle Bell 1 are having the desired effect -- a lot of work is getting done quickly. He is optimistic that Santa…

Thousands of Reindeer Sent on Christmas Missions
More sleighs led by more elves and reindeer are launching from the North Pole at this hour. Their destinations and their missions have been labeled top secret.
This is a huge group of reindeer – I would say thousands are either in…

Santa Trackers World Wide Check In
A favorite pastime for many in the hours leading up to Christmas is tracking Santa on a map to see where he is and how far away he is from delivering in a certain part of the world.
Millions of people around the world track Santa.

Tracking Department Grapples with World Wide Weather
While things are looking up for Operation Merry Christmas with the launch of Jingle Bell 1 there is still one very big unknown variable that could mess things up for Santa: the weather.
All over the world there are weather events to…

Mystery of the Mountain of Coal Solved
As Christmas Eve falls in the Middle East, Africa and in Europe at this hour we are learning more about all that coal that has been arriving for months at the North Pole.
The coal powers Jingle Bell 1.
We wondered how Santa was doing…

Plot to Trick Santa in Spain Uncovered
Secret Spies working for Santa in Spain have revealed a plot to try to trick Santa later tomorrow as he flies to that country.
It was revealed that non-believers were planning to put up a giant net between two houses in hopes of catching…

Every Child Should Hang a Stocking
I wrote a short time ago to Elf Gloria, Santa’s Commissioner of Christmas Traditions here at the North Pole. She is busy getting the sleigh bells ready for Santa’s sleigh, a very important job that we’ll talk about in a little while.…