
Santa Challenges Elves to Find Him

Huge, Holy-Cow Breaking North Pole news kids!

Santa is safe and he’s not messing around.

The mystery of “Where is Santa?” hasn’t quite been solved but now we know for sure why Santa is gone and why nobody can find him.

Officials at the Flight Command Center today say that last week Santa contacted them and challenged the elves there to try to find him. In fact, he dared them to do it.

Santa said he is fine, he feels great and he’s excited for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

But he won’t tell anyone where he is and he wants the Flight Command Center to use all their resources to try to find him.

Santa is concerned that if he ever was lost or in danger that maybe the North Pole didn’t have the skills or the ability to go on a Santa hunt.

So he made up this whole thing to “get lost” – to see if his elves could find him!

It’s an interesting time. Halloween is a major holiday at the North Pole and we all take the day off. But it is also an important day because Santa says that’s the big marker on the calendar for when we really have to step on the gas to get ready for Christmas Eve.

Will the elves tend to their Christmas work plans? Or will they dedicate all their time in the search now for Santa?

And I have to wonder what your part will be in this as well. I wonder what the elves might as you to do in the coming days and weeks to help find Santa.

Stay tuned! These are interesting times at the North Pole.

Elf Ernest

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I think I saw Santa! In my town of Kidsgrove, England. He looked a lot like Santa, and if it was him, his beard’s started growing back!

I think I saw him in my town of Eureka Nevada. He talked to me and somehow knew my name