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Elf Agent X Sends Out Mysterious Alert

updateLots of news to report at this hour at the North Pole.

First of all, Santa has returned and was immediately put to bed by Mrs. Claus after eating a light snack. She insists that Santa get some good sleep before he takes flight. We’re only four hours away from Santa’s scheduled launch time so if he sleeps it will be more like a nap.

Elf Agent X, who heads security for Santa’s flight, sent out a mysterious alert asking all secret spies to report anything they see, no matter how small. We don’t know what that means or if Elf Agent X has information about a security concern for Santa. We will keep you posted.

Over in Santa’s workshop things are progressing. Elf Bernard is barking orders and the elves are working faster than ever. Santa sent over a note to tell the elves to leave the workshop a half an hour before his launch so they won’t miss it. That seems to have given the elves there a lot more energy.

The Wrapping Department continues to work at blazing speed. The reindeer airlift operation called Operation Wrap-it-Up has stopped their landings and departures as it appears the work outside of the North Pole is complete and there is nothing left to do to help Wrapping to, well, wrap it up.

The sleigh bell problem is still being worked on. We hope they can do it.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Estimated Time to Launch: 4 hours
Current North Pole Weather: 11 Degrees, Blizzard Conditions
Command Center Status: All systems are go, all lights are green
Santa’s Status: Heading Back to the North Pole
Reindeer Status: Sleeping soundly.
Santa’s Workshop Status: 89% complete, catching up
Santa’s Sleigh Status: 96% ready, sleigh bell repair underway
Wrapping Department Status: 96% complete, emergency contingency plans deployed
North Pole Christmas Party Readiness: 100% complete
North Pole Medical Center Report: No new cases of sickness reported
North Pole Post Office Status: 99% complete, full staff working overtime
Latest Secret Spy Reports: High surf reported in Honolulu; building repair reported in Santa Fe; dusty conditions reported in remote Australia.
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Japan, Guam
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere