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Tuning Problems for Sleigh Bells Persist

Tuning Problems for Sleigh Bells Persist 1

updateElf Gloria could only shake her head when she heard the new bells. They looked perfect. But they sounded worse than before.

“Santa won’t approve this sleigh for flight like this and neither will I!” lectured Elf Gloria. She was speaking to the silversmith and to Elf Quinton, who were trying to pass Gloria’s latest inspection of Santa’s Sleigh. Elf Quinton has sent for Elf Francis Peabody, the organist for the Elf Choir. I’m not sure what Francis will do but I hope she can help.

We will keep you updated.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Estimated Time to Launch: 5 hours
Current North Pole Weather: 10 Degrees, Blizzard Conditions
Command Center Status: All systems are go, all lights are green
Santa’s Status: Heading Back to the North Pole
Reindeer Status: Sleeping soundly.
Santa’s Workshop Status: 79% complete, catching up
Santa’s Sleigh Status: 94% ready, sleigh bell repair underway
Wrapping Department Status: 86% complete, emergency contingency plans deployed
North Pole Christmas Party Readiness: 100% complete
North Pole Medical Center Report: No new cases of sickness reported
North Pole Post Office Status: 94% complete, full staff working overtime
Latest Secret Spy Reports: High surf reported in Honolulu; building repair reported in Santa Fe; dusty conditions reported in remote Australia.
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Perth, Sydney, Jakarta
Where it is Christmas morning now: Nowhere