
Mongolia Reports

Mongolia Reports 1

updateRemote areas of Mongolia are reporting a Merry Christmas at this hour. Still no news on all the recent sleigh activity or Santa’s intent with the all-girl team of reindeer he has asked for from the North Pole. We will keep you posted as we learn more.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: Elf Victor and the All-Girl reindeer team have left the North Pole; Command Center under lock-down…
Sleigh Status: 14332 mph
Reindeer Status: Good
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Non-believers feared in the neighborhood in Redding, California; yard obstructions reported in Oslo; wild beasts reported in Dusseldorf, Germany…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Ireland
Where it is Christmas morning now: Mongolia, Shanghai, Beijing, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Brunei, Kobe

Kids in these places should be in bed by now: