Newsroom Kicks Coverage into High Gear
We have breaking news from all over the place at this hour: False reports of Santa sightings have come in from Hong Kong or stations located near there in the past hour. They are not true because Santa’s sleigh is still here at the North Pole and so is Santa Claus. It appears the false reports were the result of high altitude fireworks launched in celebration of Christmas Eve there.
So many stories are coming in now that we’re expanding our coverage effectively immediately. Normally we wait for Santa’s launch to begin sending out updates every 15 minutes but with all this breaking news it will be easier to send it out a little at a time.
Anxious kids from different parts of the world are writing in to ask when it will be time to go to bed. Don’t worry, kids — Santa will let you know.
It is a time-honored Christmas Eve tradition that kids around the world await the call from Santa for bedtime. It varies from one place to another because in some cultures an early bedtime is normal. But in others, especially those places where warmer weather is the norm for this time of year, bedtimes will come a little later. So Santa will let you know, just keep your browser set to, your radio dialed to Kringle Radio, and your cell phone set to for the latest.
Where it is Christmas Eve Day: Jerusalem, Tripoli, Cairo, Athens
Where it is Christmas Eve Evening: Eastern Siberia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
Where it is Christmas Morning: Nowhere
Santa Tracking is now being broadcast live from the North Pole at
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