Elf Agent X Deploys Elves Around the World
No cause for alarm, this is just routine: in the past hour Elf Agent X sent the order to deploy millions of elves around the world for duty in aiding in Santa’s flight. Aside from the millions of Secert Spies Elf Agent X has enlisted in the cause there are thousands of others who will be stationed at strategic points around the globe to observe conditions, report on dangers and be available for Santa in case of emergency. Look around you! The people you see walking around in normal clothes like normal people might actually be one of Santa’s elves.
This only really happens on this day as Santa prepares to take flight. Most of the time real elves aren’t out in the world all that much but on this day and until Santa returns they are out there…watching, collecting information and reporting back to Santa Central Command here at the North Pole.
Thousands of reindeer and thousands of sleighs are systematically leaving the North Pole at this hour for all points south. This first wave of flights is strictly to position these elves in locations pre-selected for this purpose around the world. Those in the far east will be dropped off first and their flight plan pretty much calls for following what Santa’s route will be tomorrow. This job should be done over the next couple of hours. All elves should be in place in cities and towns and villages all over the world by the time Santa launches later this evening.
We will keep you posted!
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