
China Reports A Merry Christmas

updateBeijing is reporting a Merry Christmas as well as several other areas in China.

I received a brief text message from Elf Agent X. He said to expect news to come of many visits from Santa very, very quickly.

— Elf Ernest
Direct from Santa’s Newsroom at the North Pole


Command Center Status: Elf Victor and the All-Girl reindeer team have left the North Pole; Command Center under lock-down…
Sleigh Status: 16358 mph
Reindeer Status: Good
Latest Secret Spy Reports: Non-believers reported in Tulsa, Oklahoma…
Where it is Christmas Eve now: Lisbon
Where it is Christmas morning now: Beijing, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Brunei, Kobe,Tokyo, Darwin

Kids in these places should be in bed by now:
Barents Sea